Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Actual video footage

Lost it. I’ve completely lost it. Somewhere in my recent life shift I can’t find major parts of my existence. I’m not just talking about snow pants and a camera cord, even though I can’t find those either; somehow I lost a whole email conversation with a colleague. I get an email from him, after he received the returned samples I sent, saying “Did you look at them?” I remember writing a whole detailed, (and very, very interesting, I might add) email to him with my findings and asking whether I could use some of the information. Did I dream it? Am I crazy? Is he crazy? Did I send that weird email off to someone else? Did I press ‘Delete’ rather than ‘Send’? (I do that). Did I write it at all?!!! Not only is this email conversation gone, but so are the previous ones: our initial contact, our agreement for the conditions of my services, my apology for not replying sooner as I was switching labs, my new contact information…I’ve checked all the folders of all four of my email accounts (too much! I know), and there is no record of ever having contact with this guy.

Okay, so it got lost in the shuffle. I can accept that, I’m mellow and easy-going (ha). But now I have to email him back saying ‘yes I looked at them, and I swear I wrote to you months ago, but I’m a complete ditz and can’t actually remember, but you trust my diagnosis right?” It also doesn’t help that I’ve had this package on my desk for three months now, meaning to send it back. Not very professional.

I’ll get over it. What I did find though, in the bowels of my archived emails, were conversations with my current advisor before he became my current advisor. Those are embarrassing! I hope he’s deleted them. And on a completely separate, rambling thought, I’ve also realised lately (as Xmas and the inevitable Xmas parties are fast approaching, which for my department is apparently a time to embarrass your co-workers), that he has footage of me in the field acting like a crazy woman. In my defence, other than BEING a crazy woman, I was trying to outsmart mosquitoes while eating a sandwich. Of course you can't see the mosquitoes, you had to be there, so it's just a video of me running around in a circle, waving my arms, and eating a sandwich. Huh.

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