I went from zero to loathing in 3 months.
My feelings about postdoc’ing that is.
I was so happy and proud and excited to start this next phase, but now I’m screaming to get out. Everyone says your postdoc is great; no teaching, unlimited productivity, etc. But I’ve just come off unlimited productivity. I’ve been a whirlwind of productivity. I published eight first authored manuscripts in the last 2 years. I’ve been my own PI, with my own funding. I’ve initiating multiple research projects, attended 18 conferences, done paid contract work, and described a new species, all in the past three years.
I’ve been the poster girl for productivity.
I don’t want to work on someone else’s project. I don’t want to be the only person sitting at the lab bench every day. Knowing that I’m spinning my wheels because nothing will come out of the data for years. Writing up old experiments I didn’t perform just to be third or fourth author on a manuscript. Having all my ideas be circumvented through my advisor, transformed and then passed off to my honour’s student. What am I doing? I go to Uni each day, but I don’t really have anything to do. I’m losing momentum.
I want control again.
I want my own research again.
I need a faculty position.
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